August 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

August 24, 2011

Attendance: Kris Bombard, Randy Ulseth, Dawn Plested, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, Myrna Sampson, Katie Kerr, Deb Wright, Erik Olson, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Bill Kellogg, Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud

Absent: Bob Woods, Gordy Forbort, Fran Kacon, Pat Runquist, Kim Carlson

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Diane Mandernach, CEO and Danieal Rabideaux, CFO from SISU presented information on the change over from a coop based organization to a “for profit” company that sells services to coop members and also outside the SISU group.
  • CEO goals update was given.
  • Review of proposed bylaw changes. Changes will be made and will be presented at September meeting.
  • Randy gave an Administrator’s update
  • Nominating committee update was presented.
  • Financials for the month of July were reviewed. Surgery is seeing growth, up 20% this year. Year to date – bottom line is above budget.

Quality Update – Ellen Ryan

  • Several departments have received training on the Quality Risk module that was implemented in January. If there is a need for additional training or if you would like Ellen to attend one of your department meetings to review or give 1:1 training, please contact her.
  • Ellen reviewed the quality dashboard measures for the categories of optimal care and patient satisfaction survey.
  • Joint commission survey will occur sometime between now and the end of October.
  • Minnesota Department of Health will be conducting a survey at the clinics for Rural Health Care status sometime soon.


  • Community walk scheduled for October 1st
  • Women’s health event, October 27th
  • Sue is interviewing for Clinic coder/lead physician educator
  • Clinic is adding Echo days and cardiology will be in clinic once a week
  • COLA inspection in Laboratory is forthcoming.
  • Cardiac CT angiography will be up and running next month.
  • Pine Tech RN students will have orientation starting next week. In addition, an RN student will be doing a leadership study at the hospital from August – October.
  • Discussion on cell phone use. Chris Kimbler will bring additional information at the next meeting.
  • Pharmacy continues to work on several projects.
  • New HUC starting in nursing.
  • IV pumps will all be replaced by early November.
  • Impact testing in PT is going well, Jake has been doing the testing. There will be training and education coaches and teachers at the high school.
  • Dana Zurich from PT is retiring in September
  • CFO interviews have been completed, there is one coming back for a second interview.