August 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2012

Attendance: Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Diane Bankers, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Mark Vizenor, Karen Renaud, Jo DeFeyter, David Amundson

Absent: Bob Woods, Fran Kacon


  • Ehlers and Associates presented information on the process of our revenue bond refinancing and the issuance of “new money”
  • We have received the signed Attorney General Contract. More information will be discussed at the September Board meeting to review compliance requirements.
  • We have signed a physician recruitment loan agreement for Jessica Olen. We are creating a long term relationship with her while she is going to medical school.
  • Mary Lagaard, Geriatric NP has been hired. Beth Good, Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist will be working in the clinic one day a week.


  • July was a solid financial month. Outpatient surgeries were up, strong net operating revenue with expenses below budget. Good Job!!!

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Michelle Volk is expanding her responsibilities to include the interview process. She will be working with managers to review potential candidates along with collaborating the hiring
  • Human Resources have started to place applications on M-Files. It has made locating and saving information on applicants much easier. Managers will be able to view all applicants for job openings or have HR filter through them first. Kim or Michelle will touch base with managers to see what the preference is


  • Dawn gave an update on the feedback she received from the breakout sessions regarding goals from the departments. She will be sharing this information with the focus groups
  • Stacey Heins provided an update on “Spotlight on Performer” which included results from a customer service training she conducted with clinic staff from Pine City, Mora and Hinckley. Based on survey results from 2010, as an organization, they saw an increase of 39% in patient satisfaction involving the front end staff. On-going customer service is a priority and will continue to look for areas of focus and opportunities to better serve our patients


  • Ellen provided a powerpoint presentation on Workplace Violence Prevention. A number of examples were discussed and she reviewed “What is Workplace Violence”, including risk factors, general preventative measures, additional awareness for 2012 and safety tips for HC workers
  • Managers will schedule a time to discuss the topic/powerpoint at an upcoming staff meeting. If preferred, a member of the safety committee can also present. Role-playing examples of communication should be discussed.


    • Dawn presented dates to remember: September 27 – Orthopedic seminar presented by Dr. Lagaard, September 29, Community Walk which will include a new course with FLHS mile markers, October 25 – Men’s and Women’s Health Event
    • Deb Wright gave an update on Speech pathology and Cardiac rehab open positions and discussed the changes in Medicare coverage for rehab services
    • A coding student will be starting in HIS for 5 – 8 weeks
    • Reminder to turn in your Privacy and Security Walkthrough Monitoring forms.
    • COLA inspection for Mora Clinic will be September 4
    • Hardware refresh will be done in the data closets today, August 22nd
    • Stacey discussed the issue of return calls from patients when a patient receives a generic call back number for FLHS. She will work with Katie and Erik on this
    • Reminder: Craig Gross/Fran Kacon, Kris Paulson retirement parties this week
    • Mark gave an update on Facilities Operations
    • Diane Bankers gave an update on RT services
    • OSHA survey went well
    • New endoscopes will be arriving in the OR suite
    • We will be partnering with Catholic Charities to provide 10 free meals to a group of discharged inpatients this fall
    • Orientation for Pine Technical RN students will be starting on September 6th
    • User Access request form has been updated for new employees
    • Katie reminded managers to use the Communication Pathway Guide when doing any implementation or planning to include the significant players
    • Grant writer contract has been extended for 6 additional months.