August 2014 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2014

Attendance: Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Diane Bankers, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Kim Carlson, Garrett Estenson, Mark Vizenor, Randy Ulseth, Ella Stenstrom, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Troy Keach, Karen Renaud, Leann McMullen, Robert Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Kris Bombard

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Newly formed Pine City Advisory committee had their first meeting. Building committee selected Boldt as the construction manager for the Pine City project. Bids will be out early September.
  • An update on the CEO Goals was presented at the Board meeting.
  • Pine City Pharmacy update was given.
  • Evidence Based Leadership update – kickoff date is set for December 1st.
  • Discussion on hiring a productivity consultant. More information to follow.

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • Ella presented information on the July financials. It was a phenomenal month, volumes were up in almost all areas, and expenses were down. Great job!
  • Budget process and packets will be sent out in September.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Flu vaccine is expected this week. Flu clinics dates are set and flyers are posted.
  • Influenza vaccination discussion was held and the commitment to get immunized early. Goal – mid September, every leader in the organization should be vaccinated.


  • Discussion on ways to standardize dealing with angry, violent patients. Working on education for staff – more information forthcoming.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Follow up discussion on WESA. Refer any questions to Human Resources.
  • Exit interviews will now be done in person – schedule a time for Kim to meet with employees upon leaving.
  • Employee and Provider Engagement surveys will go out October 6th.


  • New Radiology Tech starting in Imaging.
  • Two RN’s starting in Clinic.
  • New RN’s starting in hospital.
  • Reminder – SISU help tickets should be submitted instead of dropping in the IT office.
  • Phone upgrade/conversion will take place September 4. 7 – 9pm.
  • Hospital lab tech starting September 22nd.
  • Patient Safety culture survey results looked good overall.
  • Congrats to Dick Westerman, he received his Certified Building Operator certificate.
  • Ambulance department has been busy, new ambulance has arrived.
  • Troy updated staff on Dr. John Schmitt and Dr. Tom Mullins.
  • We now have after hour pharmacist coverage at the hospital.
  • Dr. Armstrong has increased his workload – working well with Dr. Nelson
  • Final equipment should be installed for the OR’s the end of September.
  • Satellite clinics are offering evening hours for flu vaccine.
  • Budget approval will go to the Board in November.