April 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

April 27, 2012

Attendance: Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, David Amundson, Fran Kacon, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Diane Bankers, Dawn Plested, Jo DeFeyter,

Absent: Katie Kerr, Pat Runquist, Mark Visenor, Karen Renaud

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy provided a board update including information on HP3, CEO goals, community picnic dates. Ellen presented a patient story and a quality update.
  • Discussion on what types of information should be presented to staff at quarterly department meetings.
  • Reminder to department managers that are requesting computer purchases should submit them to Katie in IT first.

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • David presented the financials for March.
  • March was a solid financial month, increased patient days, admission and ER visits.

SERVICE – Dawn Plested

    • Dawn presented the first draft of the patient survey which will be administered through a phone survey by the company that assisted with our name change. Managers are asked to review the draft and provide Dawn with any department feedback. The survey will be used as a baseline and then we will proceed with focus groups and patient advisories.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Follow up discussion from the manager off-site meeting.
  • Randy has received the MHA Spirit of Advocacy Award – Congratulations!!
  • Summer interns have been hired, most of them will start on June 4th.
  • MCE students will be starting in the fall – there will be 6 students.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen reviewed the 1st quarter Quality measure report.
  • Rural Health Clinic status – Department of Minnesota has accepted the corrective action from the survey – waiting for approval from CMS.
  • Program Ambassador for the HP3 program has been hired, congratulations Deb Wright. Interviews will begin for the Wellness Care Guide.


  • Discussion on overhead music within the three clinics. The policy is being reviewed and more information will be presented at the next manager meeting.

HIS UPDATE – Sue Belford

  • Sue presented an update on the mobile device policy. A policy and procedure is being updated to reflect new changes. A form will need to be completed and signed by the employee agreeing to the criteria in the policy.
  • HIPPA education can be completed on OLE. It is part of the employee annual education. A quiz must also be completed with a passing percentage of 80%.


  • The importance of TRUST was discussed.
  • Prostate event – Thursday, April 26th – over 80 people have registered to attend.
  • Dawn will be doing a photo shoot on May 14,15 and 16th.
  • Newsletter will be coming out in June
  • Community picnic for Mora is Wednesday, May 9th.
  • Dr. Stillwell’s schedule will be changing, starting May 15th.