April 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

April 27, 2011

Attendance: Pat Runquist, Fran Kacon, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Bill Kellogg, Diane Bankers, Randy Ulseth, Dawn Plested, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, Jo DeFeyter, Myrna Sampson, Karen Renaud

Absent: Katie Kerr, Deb Wright, Brent Thompson, Sue Belford, Bob Woods, Gordy Forbort

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Dan Frien and Korey Boelter from Larson, Allen presented the Auditor’s report. The 2010 Financial statement and audit results were reviewed.
  • Pine City Clinic will be adding additional parking spaces.
  • Clinic transition continues to go well – working on phone issues.
  • Discussion on annual employee banquet – decision to increase amount given to employee fund to help cover the cost of banquet.
  • Critical Access Hospital and Clinic evaluation was presented.
  • Approval of USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant.
  • Financials for March were reviewed.

Just Culture Education – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented education and strategies on “At Risk Behavior” and “Reckless Behavior”. Discussion was held using real life examples on both types of behaviors and how to address the different situations.


  • Hospital week – May 9 – 13th. Events are scheduled each day of the week, community picnic is Wednesday. Department managers will be serving breakfast and supper on Tuesday. Kris Bombard will send out a schedule.
  • Staff from Pine Technical College along with some LPN students will be here for a tour next Thursday.
  • There are a number of employees that have not completed the employee handbook education. Kim Carlson will get lists to managers.
  • Dr. Matt Schultz will be starting, May 2nd.
  • Ellen presented a form that can be used to apply for funding of a project or item to be purchased by the Auxiliary. Contact her if you are interested in completing a form.
  • Discussion on allowing access to our own medical record. Only those employees that have EMR access are able to view his/her medical record.
  • Reminder to managers/supervisors to invite Randy to an upcoming department meeting.
  • New smoke compartments for first floor in the Red Fire Plan book were distributed. If you did not receive a new one, see Kris B.