April 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

April 24, 2013

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, David Amundson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Garrett Estenson, Mark Vizenor, Brent Thompson

Absent: Pat Runquist, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Karen Renaud

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy introduced Becky Gallik, the new IT Manager.
  • Auditors from CliftonLarsenAllen presented the Audit Report for 2012.
  • Reviewed 1st quarter CEO goals and accomplishments.
  • Ambulance Services discussion.

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • Audit report went well, good results.
  • March financials were reviewed, another good month. David discussed the Meaningful Use payment that was received and how it affected the financials.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Discussion on types of tools that can be used for rounding. Managers will be receiving a rounding log that they may use as a tool and/or modify it to fit his/her specific needs. Any questions, contact Kim.
  • Kim updated the staff on the summer intern program. She held 24 interviews with students and will be contacting the department managers once the process has been completed.
  • Sue and Kim presented information on the Excellian New User Access Process.


  • Managers shared examples of his/her rounding experiences.
  • Next assignment – more rounding experiences and examples.


  • Update on Pharmacy happenings and awards. Moving forward with 340B – contract has been signed with Coborn’s.
  • ICD-10 education – continues to move forward.
  • Sue thanked managers for completing the Privacy and Security walkthrough quarterly review checklists.
  • Mark informed the managers that the MDH has returned information pertaining to the Clinic expansion. A meeting with those involved with the project will be set up in the next week or so.
  • Update from Garrett on Rehab and the upcoming projects.
  • Hospital week – May 13 – 17th. Events are planned for the week. Kris will be sending out a schedule for managers to sign up to help serve breakfast on Tuesday, May 14th.
  • May 6 – 12 is Nurse’s week, a celebration is planned for May 10th in the meeting rooms.
  • May 22 – new cardiac monitoring equipment arrives.
  • Outpatient surveys will be sent out to patients in the near future, we are using a new company – NRC.
  • Clinic has implemented a new phone tree and it is working well.
  • Auxiliary luncheon, April 24th at Bowe’s.

Recorder, Kris Bombard