Callie Peterson – September 28, 2015

Congratulations to Callie Peterson!
Reason for Recognition? For jumping on the phones and helping me out without being asked this morning when I was overwhelmed with incoming calls!! Very much appreciated by me and by the patients who were on hold!
-- Karen Miller
  Sep 28th 2015

FirstLight Staff – September 24, 2015

Congratulations to FirstLight Staff!
Reason for Recognition? I just had a patient tell me about an unfortunate experience at a nearby health care facility. He said he had been a patient there for a while, but whenever he would go in, he felt like his health didn't matter. Long story short, he ended up coming to FirstLight and said everyone here is so caring, helpful, and always has a smile on their face. He also mentioned how thankful he is for our staff and won't go anywhere else for his care.

Great job everyone. Keep up the great work and keep smiling! :)
-- Taylor Ruud
  Sep 24th 2015

FirstLight Staff

Congratulations to FirstLight Staff!
Reason for Recognition? A current patient of physical therapy in Pine City stopped at the front desk to let us know she is very pleased with her service at FirstLight. She said she has worked with the public for many years and the employees at FirstLight are very friendly.
-- Jenny Lindahl
  Sep 24th 2015

Alicen Himmelspach – September 18, 2015

Congratulations to Alicen Himmelspach!
Reason for Recognition? Alicen is always willing to help out when we are trying to get a patient in somewhere and will go the extra mile to make sure that patient gets in as soon as possible. It reassures the patients and really helps staff out. Thank you for all you do.

  Sep 18th 2015

Jan Pape – September 15, 2015

Congratulations to Jan Pape!
Reason for Recognition? Being so pleasant and willing to help whenever I have questions. You are like a walking phone book whenever I forget Google is a resource and it amazes me! Thank you so much!
-- Brianna Boyer
  Sep 15th 2015

Brent Nihart – September 11, 2015

Congratulations to Brent Nihart!
Reason for Recognition? For having the patience of a Saint while having to babysit the Three Stooges in Pine City today.
-- Karen Miller, Renae Olson, & Lindsey Nowling
  Sep 11th 2015

Gail Zikan, Amy McDaniel, Cassie Milligan – September 11, 2015

Congratulations to Gail Zikan, Amy McDaniel, and Cassie Milligan!
Reason for Recognition? A Fairview patient walked into Pine City Clinic this week after being turned away at his own clinic. Gail triaged him, Amy and Cassie treated him and the patient stated to staff "This is what Health Care should be. I was thinking of leaving Fairview and coming to FirstLight, and this made my decision for me." Good Job!!

  Sep 11th 2015

Diane Dahlstrom – September 2, 2015

Congratulations to Diane Dahlstrom!
Reason for Recognition? A patient stated today "with the x-ray lady being
so nice it really made me feel more comfortable
with everything. She's great!"
-- Brittany R.
  Sep 2nd 2015

Richard Kupfer – September 6, 2015

Congratulations to Richard Kupfer!
Reason for Recognition? Rich, while doing his rounds Saturday night/Sunday
morning, caught a water leak that he was able to
stop from flooding OR and the rest of the
facility. He notified maintenance when they came
in for their shift Sunday morning so that they
could properly take care of it.
-- Tonya Kupfer
  Sep 6th 2015

Teresa Banks

Congratulations to Teresa Banks!
Reason for Recognition? Thanks for always being so helpful and always
having such a great attitude toward helping out
co-workers when needed! You are the best!!!
-- Kristal
  Sep 3rd 2015