StarLight Committee – January 25, 2016

Congratulations to StarLight Committee!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you for the great party on Saturday! I know how much time and work goes into planning an event like that. Loved the theme, the food, and the band!
-- Cindy Revier
  Jan 25th 2016

StarLight Committee – January 25, 2016

Congratulations to StarLight Committee!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you for all the work you put into the party on Saturday. It was amazing and the band was great.

  Jan 25th 2016

Jerianne Hoyles – January 22, 2016

Congratulations to Jerianne Hoyles!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you for always being so willing to help me with any questions or concern I have!
-- Brianna Boyer
  Jan 22nd 2016

Richelle Richert – January 21, 2016

Congratulations to Richelle Richert!
Reason for Recognition? Shelly is ALLWAYS so helpful with the physical therapy patients! When they need to reschedule or need to set up appointments she is always here to help! Thanks Shelly!!
-- Lindsey Nowling
  Jan 21st 2016

Alicen Himmelspach – January 20, 2016

Congratulations to Alicen Himmelspach!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you so much for getting a patient's colonoscopy set up so quickly!! You always are willing to drop what you're doing to help!
-- Kate O.
  Jan 20th 2016

StarLight Committee

Congratulations to StarLight Committee!
Reason for Recognition? Everyone I talk to on staff is looking forward to the party saying it's one of the nicest events of the year. Thank you so much for all you do, not just for this great event but also throughout the year. The events throughout the year really make working for FLHS more enjoyable!
-- Aileen Roberts
  Jan 15th 2016

Amanda Haas – January 18, 2016

Congratulations to Amanda Haas!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you so very much for lending me your car for a few days when my car's alternator went out on my way to work. It was super generous of you and I am beyond grateful.
-- Cheri Southerland
  Jan 18th 2016

Taylor Ruud – January 15, 2016

Congratulations to Taylor Ruud!
Reason for Recognition? Thanks for all you do, a little bit of everything. You are always willing to help staff in any department. Hinckley loves you!
-- Rita Olsen
  Jan 15th 2016

Lindsey Nowling & Teresa Aronson – January14, 2016

Congratulations to Lindsey Nowling & Teresa Aronson!
Reason for Recognition? Thanks for all your help calling patients and rescheduling or asking them to come in early today. You two were a great help and did it with a smile!
-- Miranda Fox
  Jan 14th 2016

Linda H. & Deb J. – January 12, 2016

Congratulations to Linda H. & Deb J.!
Reason for Recognition? Thanks for being quick on your feet today while helping a patient who needed assistance. A job well done as always!!

  Jan 12th 2016