Amelia Laman

Meet Amelia Laman
Position: Social Services Summer Intern
Start Date: 6/3/19
Birthday: 8/1
Background/Educations: I graduated from Braham Area High School in 2018. I'm currently attending University of Wisconsin-Superior to study Social Work and Criminal Justice. I'm taking summer classes online to finish up my generals and I'm starting the Social Work program next fall.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I'm excited about being able to work alongside and learn from professionals in the social services department.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Great Gatsby 2. Star Wars Episode 2 3. Pearl Habor
What is your favorite color? Purple
Do you have a nickname? Mel
What are your hobbies?: Golf, hanging out with friends, hanging out with my dog and 3 cats, camping, spending time on the lake, spending time with family and watching live theater productions.