Alex Malkuch

Meet Alex Malkuch
Position: Anesthesia Student
Start Date: 3/20/17
Birthday: 11/17
Background/Educations: I am currently in a master's program at Minneapolis School of Anesthesia to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist. Before going back to school I received my bachelor's degree in nursing from Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. After graduation I worked in the ICU at the University of Colorado for 3 years and the University of Minnesota for 2 years.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to spend the next 3 weeks getting to know the patients that FirstLight Health System services in the Mora area. I am also looking forward to learning from the knowledgeable staff and nurse anesthetists who serve these patients.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Sound of Music 2. It's a Wonderful Life
What is your favorite color? Blue
Do you have a nickname? Alex
What are your hobbies?: I love to spend time with my family when I'm not studying for school. My son will be 3 this summer and loves to take our new dog on walks around the neighborhood. We also like to go on Saturday afternoon bike rides on the trails around the city.