Check the gauge of your stress level – WOW Tip of the Week


April is National Stress Awareness Month so this month employee wellness shines the spotlight on STRESS.

Stress is a fact of life.  It is the tension we feel when faced with a new or difficult situation.  Stress isn’t always a bad thing; it can help you meet life’s challenges such as meeting a deadline at work, studying to pass a test, or dealing with a family crisis.  This is short-term stress or positive stress.  It is the stress that keeps us going.

But too much stress can cause problems.  It can hurt your physical and mental health, can affect relationships with family and friends, and become chronic.  Chronic stress is negative stress; it lingers for weeks, months or even years.

How is your stress level?  Are you maxed out?  If so, here are some tips to help manage your stress:

  • Accept the things you can’t change or control-have a positive focus
  • Take control of the things you can change – you can control the way you react
  • Take time for yourself on a regular basis-recharge your batteries
  • Keep a journal-write down what is troubling you and also celebrate the positives
  • Maintain a healthy eating plan
  • Make sleep a priority
  • Get regular exercise
  • Share your feelings; communicate with a friend or loved one your concerns-talk it out
  • Learn to say no to help unload your plate
  • Seek out help-it’s ok and encouraged!