Wow Tip of the Week – Savor the Flavor

Could you write an article for a gourmet magazine describing the meal you ate last night? Do you even remember the meal you ate last night?

In addition to focusing on WHAT we eat and WHY we eat, mindful eating includes paying attention to HOW we eat. Do you think you are a fast eater? Do you finish most meals in less than ten minutes? Try slowing down while eating. Put your fork or spoon down between bites, savor the flavor of each forkful and pay particular attention to the texture, taste and aroma of the foods you are eating.

Is your typical mealtime filled with distractions? Do you eat while watching television, reading emails or catching up on FaceBook? When distracted, our attention is not focused on the flavor of the foods we are eating, but instead we mindlessly stuff our mouths with food and might even be surprised when our plate is empty. Turn off the tv, put down the phone and eat at a table to help you practice mindful eating.

March is National Nutrition Month and the theme “Savor the Flavor” is a healthy reminder to slow down when eating and avoid distractions at mealtime. I bet you could write amazing articles about your meals if you did.

Test your Nutrition Knowledge! Complete the attached puzzle and return it to Danna or Melissa by March 31st. Those with the correct answers will be entered into a drawing for great prizes!

~ Danna Woods

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