Mid-Point Weigh-in NEXT WEEK!

scale with the word YESMid-point weigh-in is almost here!

Mora:  weigh-in week of March 7th-11th.  Slips due by Monday March 14th to Deb, Melissa or Danna.

  • *Location of scales during MID-POINT weigh-in:
  • Cardiac Stress Testing room in the clinic
  • WellnessFirst office (at the end of the HR hallway)
  • Storage room across the hall from the dietitian’s office (#2758) or in the dietitian’s office

Pine City: all weigh-ins will occur one week later than Mora

  • Weigh-in March 16th – Melissa Merrick will bring the scale.  Slips due by Monday March 21st to Deb, Melissa or Danna.


  • Weigh-in March 8th – Danna Woods will bring the scale.  Slips due by Monday March 14th to Deb, Melissa or Danna.

*We will try to have the scales available as much as possible but there will be times when they are moved for patient care so please be aware of that.  They will eventually make it back to their designated spot. Thanks for your understanding!  An example of this is Tuesday March 8th – cardiac brings the scale to rehab in the a.m. and Danna will be taking their scale to Hinckley.

Fruit and Veggie Challenge ends Sunday March 6th!  Turn in completed log sheets to Deb Wright by Tuesday March 8th!