Leadership Minutes – January 2016

Attendance:   Becky Gallik, Leann McMullen, Kim Tepley, Garrett Estenson, Kris Bombard, Mark Vizenor, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Stacy Heins, Randy Ulseth, Diane Bankers, Heather Sanftner, Ellen Ryan, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Brenda Moos, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Karen Renaud, Jill Sawyer
Absent:          Gordy Forbort            


  • Managers shared various wins and patient compliments.
  • Thank you to the Starlight Committee for all their hard work on the Holiday Party!!
  • DSGW provided a presentation to the Board on the design development.
  • Organizational chart was reviewed
  • Round table discussion on the Trustee Conference January 8 – 10th.
  • Annual Board policies reviewed.
  • Reviewed year end financials, great work team!
  • Discussion on employee evaluations and mid-year goal update meetings.



  • Kim presented information competency changes – she will work with Ellen, Leann and Brenda to update the process.
  • Update on Halogen process and next steps. AIDET and Behaviors of Excellence goals will be assigned to all staff.
  • Discussion on Student Guidelines Policy and Procedure.
  • Top Workplace survey will launch March 28th.


  • Laminated signs will be posted under sink areas as a reminder that only approved cleaning products are to be stored under sinks.
  • Look for the annual badge/key audits to be distributed in the next week or so. If there are changes needed – let Dick Westerman know.
  • Reminder to managers to make sure to turn in badges/ID’s from students and interns when they are no longer working for FirstLight.


  • Ellen updated managers on the new requirements for Critical Access Hospitals – Intercycle monitoring has to be done on year 1 and year 2 from the date of the joint commission survey. It has been completed and was accepted by Joint Commission.


  • Discussion on celebrating “Breaking 90” – Kim and Garrett will work together on this event.
  • Health Alert Network contacts update from Ellen
  • Service Opportunity calendar is out for 2016 – share with staff
  • Ellen updated staff on Quality department changes
  • 5 new RN’s have been hired in Nursing
  • Violence Prevention team update – annual education requirements for staff will be available through Swank.
  • Lab is very busy and is recruiting for open positions.
  • Garrett would like to attend department meetings in March, let him know when your departments will be held.
  • PACS System is “Live”
  • Becky Gallik asked to remind staff not to move workstations, phone, printers, etc on his/her own – they need to submit a help ticket! Equipment is port specific.
  • Change to Excellian on the Citrix login screen – coming next Wednesday.
  • Reminders to make sure the December expense budget has been entered into the LEM and if you have reviewed 90 day plans, mark them approved.
  • Kim provided union negotiation updates.
  • Free education is being offered by the Central MN preparedness committee – Jill will be sending out invites to attend various “incident command” webinars.
  • Julie provided a Clinic update – they will be having a quality celebration as they have met 4 goals in 2015.
  • Auditors will be here the week of February 15th.
  • There are 4 provider requisitions out with Allina.
  • Women’s health campaign will be launched in the next few weeks.
  • Patient brochures are at the printers.
  • Fenstad will be presenting at the In Focus on 2/22 from 12 – 1.
  • Vasoloppet update –
  • Health newsletter almost complete.
  • Surgery update – 2 new employees