Meet New Employee – Erika Bankers

Meet Erika Bankers
Position: RN
Start Date: 01/25/2016
Birthday: 6/9
Background/Educations: CNA, CMA, ADN RN from Rasmussen in St. Cloud. I have worked in a nursing home as a CNA. When I received my MA I helped manage care at an Alzheimers unit in the cities. I moved to Mora in 2012 and worked in the rehab unit at St. Clares
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I have always felt a rural hospital would be best fit for me since I love all aspects of health care. It seems like a positive work environment and I love positive people.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Fast & Furious Series 2. Dark Knight 3. Any movie with Adam Sandler
What is your favorite color? Orange
Do you have a nickname? Rikki
What are your hobbies?: Anything outside. We love four-wheeling, snowmobiling, hunting, hiking, biking, swimming, boating, fishing, etc. I'm a huge hockey and football fanatic. I love cooking and baking. Anytime I am around my family, friends, and happy people I am happy!