WOW Tip of the Week-Healthy Choices at Holiday Parties

‘Tis the season for parties!  And….weight gain.  High calorie foods are pretty much par for the course over the holidays, contributing to holiday weight gain.

The average weight gain over the holidays is only 1-2 pounds.  Not bad, right?  The problem is we never actually lose this weight.  Over time, this could mean a gain of 20 pounds in a 10-year period in addition to the other pounds we may have put on during that time.

If watching your waistline is important to you, here are 5 smart ways to keep calories in check at parties this holiday season:

  1. Don’t go to a party hungry.  It’s probably not a good idea to “save up” and avoid eating all day because you have a party that evening.  This strategy sets you up for overeating later on. Eat a snack before you go so you don’t arrive at the party famished.
  2. Have a DIY Wine Spritzer.  Cut your calories by mixing equal parts of wine and club soda for a fun, bubbly drink.
  3. Outsmart the buffet.  Use the smallest plate available and try not to stack your food-single stories only!  Standing next to the food table while you mingle may have you entering the-Mindless Eating Zone. Who knows how many calories you will consume! Take your plate of food, sit down and enjoy.
  4. Look for smarter choices:  some good options are peel and eat shrimp, sweet potatoes, angel food cake, baked apples, lean ham, bruschetta, fruit, other lean meats or even a light version of artichoke/spinach dip.
  5. Don’t forget the water.  We often confuse our body’s thirst cues for hunger cues.  Keep a glass of water within reach during the party.

Some information was inspired by SparkPeople