Welia Center Road Construction

Attention Welia Center users:

MN-DOT and the City of Mora will begin road construction on Hwy 65 on Monday, August 28th. They will be adding a left-hand turn lane on Hwy 65 onto 9th Street. We are asking Welia Center users to avoid using the intersection of Hwy 65 and 9th Street during construction. Construction is expected to be completed at the end of October 2023. When finished, the new turn lane will provide better access and traffic flow to 9th Street.
Please use the following routes when accessing or leaving the schools/Welia Center:

• Incoming traffic should utilize Maple Avenue to Wood Street for access to 9th Street.

• Departing traffic from Welia Center, MES, and MHS should travel west on 9th Street (turn right) and use
Wood Street to Maple Avenue for access to Hwy 65.

Please drive carefully and be observant of school buses, students, and other pedestrians. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during construction and the start of the new school year.

Email Paige Nelson, pnelson@welia.org, with any questions or concerns.