Emily Schwantke, Perioperative RN

Position: Perioperative RN
Email: eschwantke@welia.org
Start Date: August 7, 2023
Background/Education: BSN from Metropolitan State University. BA in Psychology from the College of St Scholastica. Attended Hinckley- Finlayson High School.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Being back in the area I grew up in and working in a small town after working in South Minneapolis for 7 years.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Stand By Me 2. Drop Dead Gorgeous 3. The Help
What is your favorite color? Lilac Purple
What are your hobbies? Volleyball, hiking, gardening, paddle boarding, kayaking, crafts (sewing, scrapbook, knitting, quilting, etc.), cooking and baking.

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