Focus Word for 2023

Are you feeling the need for a change, or wanting to improve on something in 2023? There is no doubting that 2020 and 2021 were tough years. Some would argue that 2022 hasn’t been that great either… Even more reason to focus on the inspiring, the good, the positive and the possibility of the next year ahead.

What is a focus word for the year?

A focus word for the year is a single word that encapsulates what you need more of, what you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on. It might be a theme or overarching focus for your year ahead – either way, it’s an exciting way to set your intention for the year ahead.

It provides an anchor and encourages you to consciously consider this focus word when making decisions – what you want more of and what you want less of in your life.

*Once you’ve chosen your word for the year, head to the EMPLOYEE FITNESS ROOM and hang up your word to inspire others!