Keith Rombach, Physical Therapy Assistant

Position: Physical Therapy Assistant
Start Date: June 28, 2021
Background/Education: Anoka-Ramsey Community College- PTA, Certified Fitness Specialist, Associates in Applied Arts.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to be able to expand my skills as a PTA, excited to become part of a new team, and learn aquatic therapy and Lymphedema/wound care.
What are your three favorite movies? I don't watch to many movies, but I am an avid fisherman so I enjoy watching fishing shows with my boys!
What is your favorite color? Blue
What are your hobbies? Fishing, play guitar, soccer, anything outdoors, and hanging out with my wife (Cassie) and 3 boys, Carter (8), Conner (6), and Calvin (4).

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