Wellbeats Challenge

It’s time for a new wellness challenge!

As a Welia Health employee, you have free access through the end of the year to Wellbeats – the same virtual fitness program used in the Wellness Center. 

Let’s take advantage and join a fitness challenge together!

There are two programs to choose from for this challenge, both four weeks in length and no equipment needed: Move with Heart and Work(out) From Home.

Move with a Heart is a 4-week challenge to get you moving with a variety of cardio, strength training, and yoga classes. 3 classes are scheduled weekly and all just 30 minutes or less.

Work(out) from Home is designed for limited time and space. For 5 days each week, our team of certified, virtual instructors will guide you through a combination of cardio and HIIT workouts to elevate your heart rate, boost energy, and decrease stress.

Want to join? Here’s what to do:

  1. Create a Wellbeats account (if you haven’t already)
  2. Choose a challenge and click the link above and enroll
    1. You can also find them under “challenges” once logged into Wellbeats
  3. Email wellnessemp@welia.org with the name of the challenge you chose (Move with Heart or Work(out) from Home) OR join the Facebook group specific to your challenge (links are below)
  4. Complete your first workout class on November 23rd and then simply follow the schedule
  5. At the end of the 4-week program, take a screenshot of the “congrats” message that pops up as soon as you hit complete on your last workout and send to wellnessemp@welia.org
  6. There will be TWO grand prize drawings – one for each challenge

There is an optional private Facebook group to join specific to the challenge you choose. It will be a place for accountability, encouragement, and support! If you don’t want to join the Facebook group, I will send email updates throughout the challenge.

Move with Heart FB Group
Work(out) from Home FB Group
**You will need to open the link to the FB group on a personal device**

Sign-up is required by November 20th to qualify for the grand prize drawings. Reach out with any questions!