July 2014 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

July 23, 2014

Attendance: Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Diane Bankers, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Kim Carlson, Garrett Estenson, Mark Vizenor, Randy Ulseth, Ella Stenstrom, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Troy Keach, Karen Renaud, Leann McMullen, Kris Bombard

Absent: Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Discussion on volunteerism and the impact it has on the community. The community service committee has a number of events that need volunteers. Consensus was to have managers/supervisors sign up for at least one event during the year. More information to follow from the Community service committee.
  • Pine City Advisory Committee had their first meeting. The purpose of the committee is to discuss healthcare needs of the Pine City Community. Members include a city council member, former mayor, county commissioner, superintendent of Pine City schools and two board members. They plan to add additional members to diversify and broaden the group.
  • Building committee selected Boldt as the construction manager for the Pine City expansion project. They will begin working with DSGW. Breaking ground in September or October.
  • Marketing search is continuing. We have contracted with Dawn Plested for the interim. Her old email will be reinstated.
  • Studer Kick-off is tentatively set for Wednesday, September 3rd. More information to follow.

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • Ella presented information on the June financials.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Patient Safety Culture survey – 58% completed, goal was 50%. \
  • Hazard Vulnerability Analysis – It is that time of year to complete the assessment of the internal and external emergencies that could have an effect on our organization. If a department works at multiple locations, please complete one for each location. Ellen will email the forms out to managers. Please complete and return the forms to Ellen or Kris by Friday, August 1st.
  • Discussion on Influenza immunizations – goal is 100%. Ellen will be sending out information on those employees that did not receive vaccine last year and has information that can be used to help reach the goal.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Employee evaluations – we have chosen a vendor to do our online evaluations. More information to come at upcoming manager meetings.
  • Update on email signatures – Kim and Becky are going to do some additional testing. Kim will send out an email with the links to include on your email and the font size to be used.


  • Dr. Armstrong started Monday, July 21st.
  • Dr. Mullin will start on August 25th.
  • Ella provided a business office update.
  • Imaging equipment from Pine City is being moved to Hinckley and new equipment will be purchased for the Pine City Clinic.
  • There was an unannounced CT inspection – waiting for final report.
  • Working on creating a new access form for M-Files.
  • Phone system downtime scheduled for August 7th – 7 – 9 pm.
  • Kelly C will be scheduling meetings with departments to review downtime procedures.
  • Summer fun week for FLHS is August 4 – 8th, watch for events.
  • Diane gave a nursing update.
  • Pulmonary Function testing starts August 4th.
  • New PT starts Monday, July 28th.
  • Additional OT and a PT start on August 11th.
  • Lab still has an opening.
  • Quality position has been filled by Denelle Randall.
  • Julie Ray gave an update on clinic happenings.
  • Mora Safety camp was a huge success. Ambulance department has been busy.
  • Looking for volunteers to help ride or walk with the floats in Mora – Saturday, July 26th and Pine City, August 2nd.