March 2014 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

March 26, 2014

Attendance: Kris Bombard, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Kim Carlson, Garrett
Estenson, Mark Vizenor, Dawn Plested, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter. Leann McMullen (Imaging Manager), and Randy Ulseth.

Absent: Brent Thompson, Ella Stenstrom, Troy Keach


  • A Strategic Planning retreat was held in place of theregular scheduled Board meeting. Maureen Swan from MedTrend Inc. was the presenter. The Board will be finalizing the Strategic Plan at the April Boardmeeting. It will then be presented to Managers and Staff.
  • February financials were reviewed. Had a strong financial month with stats down some.

PEOPLE/Kim Carlson

  • Leadership offsite meeting has been set for managers and supervisors for Thursday, April 17th. Agenda and additional details to follow.
  • Workplace Survey results have been received. Information on the results will be forthcoming.
  • Annual Evaluations are at 40% completion. Managers that have not completed them are to get them done soon. Be accountable


  • Sue distributed the Privacy Walk through Check List and reviewed the changes to the form. Resources are highlighted in yellow. These are to be completed quarterly. Please return them to her by Friday, April 4th.


  • Updated smoke department and evacuation maps were distributed for the Orange Emergency Preparedness Books. If you need additional maps, see Kris Bombard.
  • Annual Safety Review will be emailed out in the next few days


  • Members of the patient experience teams gave updates on what they have been doing and what the next steps are for each of the teams
  • First scheduled downtime is scheduled for next weekend. Midnight Saturday – 5am on Sunday.
  • Community newsletter will be going out the middle to end of April.
  • Plan for Provision of Care for each department is due by March 28th – you can send them to Kris B.
  • Surgery’s new sterile space is almost completed
  • Betti Dowling is retiring on May 2nd.
  • Auxiliary requests are due into Ellen by Friday, March 28th.
  • Nursing student from ND will be here for 5 weeks. Shannon and Tim are working on credentialing so they can educate staff on Excellian.
  • Garrett gave an update on RT and rehab students that will be working in the department.
  • Surgery has an opening for a surgical tech.
  • Scholarship applications are out for students in Pine City, Hinckley, Ogilvie and Mora to
  • Kim updated staff on the summer intern program.
  • Reminder – if you have staff out for three or more days – let HR know so that the correct
    paperwork can be completed in a timely manner.
  • Ambulance update from Dave.
  • IT has hired full time employee – she will be working with the help desk tickets and will start
    full time in May after she completes school.
  • “Lessons Learned”meeting is this Thursday for Excellian. PCEW meets the following week.
  • Becky gave an update on “My Chart” and Meaningful Use.
  • Discussion will take place at the offsite meeting on April 17th whether or not to have the regular department manager meeting on April 23rd.


    • Examples of rounding, managing up, and wins will be discussed at the next manager meeting. Be prepared to share stories.
    • Start thinking about the regular scheduled department manager meetings. Should we continue to meet at the same day and time – in order to get the information out to staff the same day as the meeting? How can we get information to cascade down to all staff within a day? Bring ideas and thoughts.