September 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

September 25, 2013

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kris Bombard, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Mark Vizenor, Karen Renaud, Garrett Estenson, Diane Bankers, Jo DeFeyter, Randy Ulseth, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, David Amundson, Brent Thompson, Kim Carlson, Troy Keach

Absent: Dawn Plested, Robert Woods

CEO UPDATE/Randy Ulseth

  • Randy introduced and welcomed, Dave Schlicher, Ambulance Manager.
  • Employee Forums will be held next week.

FINANCE/David Amundson

  • David reviewed the August financials. Good job of continuing to control operating expenses. Strong operating margin. August was a solid month.
  • Budget process will start soon. Capital forms will be out by the end of next week, 10/4, due back to David/Ella by 10/15. Operating budget forms will be distributed by 10/18.

QUALITY/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen provided information on the new system that will be used for Safety Reporting in 2014. It involves how we report patient, visitor or employee incidents. A short training session will be scheduled via a webinar.
  • We will be submitting information to MHA for a “Good Catch” Award. It involved the Surgery department.

HIS/Sue Belford

  • Sue updated staff on Consent to be Photographed policy.
  • All Business Associates have been mailed out – A big thank you to all involved.
  • Annual education on OLE will be updated to include new information on the HIPAA changes that took place on September 23rd.


  • Mark reminded staff to submit any additional claim items for the Hinckley Clinic so that the claim can be closed.
  • There will be an Excellian update in the Clinic on October 5th.
  • Negotiating with a General Surgeon.
  • Pharmacy inspection went well.
  • Excellian end user training starts September 30th.
  • David Amundson gave an update on the MNsure Program. We are participating in the program and will train some employees to become Certified Application Counselors.
  • Rehab Services has an opening for a PT.

M-FILES Demo/Todd Ek – Marco Software Solutions Manager

  • Todd presented an overview of the M-files that will be used for policies, procedures and forms. A powerpoint was presented showing how it will work for each department. Administration will be the first department in January to go live with M-Files. More information and training will be forthcoming.


  • Discussion was held on the various Studer webinars that were watched by teams. Each team was to watch a video, implement something from the webinar and share his/her story.
  • Each team presented information on the outcome of the webinars and discussed what the next steps would be.
  • Assignment for the October Department Manager meeting is for the various Teams to select a manager from their group that will report back at the October Manager meeting and update staff on where things are at with what they are implementing and working on.
  • Supervisors will be invited to the January Department Manager meeting.