August 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2013

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kris Bombard, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Mark Vizenor, Karen Renaud, Garrett Estenson, Diane Bankers, Jo DeFeyter, Dawn Plested, Randy Ulseth, Stacey Heins

Absent: David Amundson, Brent Thompson, Bob Woods, Kim Carlson, Troy Keach


    • Update on Hinckley Clinic – reopen date is September 9th.
    • CEO goals and accomplishments through the second quarter.
    • Randy updated staff on physician recruitment.
    • Urgent care update – go live for 2/1/14. Discussion on Pine City Clinic Saturday morning hours.
    • Thompson house update. Offer letter has been delivered.
    • Wellclicks – Family Health Manager update.
    • July financials were reviewed. Strong month.


  • New Emergency Preparedness Books for each department. These replace the Red Fire Plan Book and the Orange Disaster book.
  • New addition includes “Active Shooter section.
  • Review material with staff and customize it specifically for your department including call lists, employee distances to work, checklists, etc.


  • Sue reviewed the following policies:
    • Notice of Privacy Practice
    • Business Associate Agreement
    • Breach Notification
  • Sue will send out an update to managers with the changes to the above mentioned policies. Managers are to share with staff.
  • Security Walk-through – reminder to complete it and return to Sue. A quarterly security meeting will be scheduled.


  • Ellen provided an update on the “Taking You and Your Organization to the next Level” seminar she attended.
  • Discussion with Managers on his/her take away from the Webinar – “Engaged Employees = Better Outcomes. Top four results:
    • Implement Standards of Behavior
    • Harvesting Stories
    • 10/5 Rule
    • I am “Medical City”
  • Discussion on redesign of the current FLHS Organizational Chart that is located in the public folder under Administration. How can we better align our organization? Managers and supervisors are to think about his/her departments and send ideas/comments/thoughts to Randy on how you fit into the chart and whether or not you have the right supports in your areas. Are we accomplishing what we want?
  • Next assignment is to select one of the 60+ webinars from Studer, watch it during the next couple of days and then implement a change in your area. It may be helpful to develop teams and work together to make changes. Managers will be discussing results at the September meeting.
  • All staff meetings will be held in September and a new Organizational Chart will be rolled out during that time. A group of employees will also be selected to develop Standards of Behavior for FLHS.


  • FLHS 5K walk/run is September 14th. Encourage employees to sign up and register.
  • New module for Quality reporting will start in January.
  • Dick Westerman has accepted the position as a Lead in Facilities Operations.
  • New OT has been hired and has started, Teresa Clark.
  • New Imaging student will be with us for the next 8 months.
  • Becky and Sara will be in Hinckley on Thursday, August 29th – remember to submit a help ticket if you need IT support.
  • Excellian hardware is being ordered.