June 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2013

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, , Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Mark Vizenor, Karen Renaud, Brent Thompson, Garrett Estenson

Absent: David Amundson, Pat Runquist, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Dawn Plested


  • Jessica Olen, first year Medical Student gave a presentation on her journey through Medical School as she completes her education.
  • Randy updated the Board on physician recruitment.
  • Information on the Legislative Wrap up was presented.
  • FLHS was recognized as a national top workplace by the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
  • An article is in the July edition of “Pharmacy Today” highlighting Patty Lind for her work on improving the coding necessary to support billing and documentation for pharmacist-provided patient care services.
  • David presented a financial evaluation on the Ambulance Services. The Board directed Randy to move forward on a locally managed Ambulance service.
  • May financials were reviewed. Overall, a good month.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented a proposal from WellnessFirst to transform the sugared beverage availability in the cafeteria, gift shop, vending machines and patient meals. The proposal includes all sugar sweetened beverages would be eliminated on September 1st. A survey monkey will be distributed to employees and Mark will be checking the vending companies about alternative beverage choices. More discussion will be held at an upcoming meeting.
  • Ellen presented the Influenza/Vaccination Policy plan. FLHS Board and the department managers support the recommendation from the Infection Prevention Committee.
  • Ellen presented a powerpoint of the highlights from the Minnesota Rural Health Conference she attended.


  • Discussion continued on “managing up” and rounding experiences.
  • Managers shared wins and successes of staff.
  • Next assignment. Randy asked managers to go to the Studer website and listen to the Studer webinar, “Engaged Employees equal Better Outcomes. Managers should also inform his/her supervisors to attend the webinar. After completion, managers are to email Randy their “Big Take Aways” from the webinar and the supervisors are to email both Randy and his/her manager with the areas that “really hit home”. We will be discussing the outcomes at the August meeting. Any questions, contact Kris.


    • Dr. Reuter going away celebration, Wednesday, June 26, 1:30 – 3:00, meeting rooms.
    • Dr. Yeh will be increasing his services to once a week.
    • FLHS received a “Partnership for Patients Excellence Award” for receiving a superior level of performance in Patient Safety.
    • When access is requested for new employees, send a copy to Michelle Volk also.