Elizabeth Hartell

Meet Elizabeth Hartell
Position: Pharmacy Student
Start Date: 7/6/20
Birthday: 7/14
Background/Educations: Bachelor's Degree at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in biology, society, and environment (major) and pharmacology (minor). Doctor of Pharmacy - UMN Twin Cities (expected May 2021). Masters of Health Informatics - UMN Twin Cities (expected May of 2021).
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Opportunity to sit in on rounds, discussions on mental health treatment in the acute care setting, and (if able) partake in an informatics based project.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Harry Potter (entire series) 2. The Young Victoria 3. Frozen
What is your favorite color? Red
Do you have a nickname? Liz
What are your hobbies?: Muay Thai Kickboxing, trail running, and baking.