December 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

December 2012

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Dawn Plested, David Amundson, Karen Renaud, Sue Belford, Mark Vizenor, Brent Thompson, Diane Bankers, Garrett Estenson

Absent: Jo DeFeyter, Bob Woods, Pat Runquist, Katie Kerr


  • Stacy Heins presented customer service successes and patient satisfaction information
  • Discussions on Urgent Care build out. Next meeting scheduled for Monday, December 10th
  • Update on Sister Kenny relationship. Contract is in the final stages
  • Discussion on EPIC – go live date is now scheduled for 2014
  • Update on AIM network – legal counsel is reviewing
  • Ellen presented an update on the reportable Adverse Health Event that occurred in 2012
  • SISU update was given by Randy
  • CEO goals and accomplishments were reviewed by the Executive Committee and the Board

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • October volumes were good, strong growth in outpatient surgeries
  • Operating revenues were up, and total operating expenses were up also
  • Continue to be ahead of budget for the first 10 months of 2012
  • David presented an update on the operating and capital budgets


  • Kim distributed the book “Hard Wiring Excellence”, by Quint Studer. The Leadership Team of Managers and Supervisors will be reviewing the book and using it as a resource to assist in defining areas of opportunities and ways to increase our employee and patient satisfaction
  • An update was presented on the Employee Partnership survey. Kim will have results within the next two weeks and will send out your departmental information. We had 63% provide feedback
  • Discussion on dress code. Reminder to employees that FLHS has a dress code policy and procedure that we follow. It is important to look and act professional and to enforce the policy equally in all departments
  • Update on Tuition and Seminar reimbursement. There will not be any changes made to tuition and seminar reimbursement in 2013

SERVICE – Dawn Plested

  • Dawn is developing a FLHS Community Service Group similar to Healthwise and the Starlight Committee. She will be looking for employees interested in being a part of this new group. More information forthcoming


  • Beginning Friday, December 7th – mobile PET Services will start at the Clinic, and will be available every other Friday
  • Three Rivers Pathology will no longer be providing services as they are closing their doors at the end of the year. We will be contracting with HPA and working with Dr. Dana Nelson


  • Reminder, the Manager Get Together is on Friday, December 14th starting at 2pm. See Mark for details
  • Diane Bankers gave an update on cardiac monitors
  • Myrna provided information on the Pine Tech and St. Cloud Tech students starting in January. A capstone student will also start in January
  • Clinic x-ray tech and clinic lab tech have been hired
  • Reminder to work on completing employee reviews
  • Online education for employees is at 75%. Completion due by December 31st
  • We received a grant from the MDH for wellness and strategic planning
  • Update on patient focus groups, breakout sessions with departments are being scheduled with Dawn
  • Managers are to contact Kris to set up quarterly meetings with Randy. Begin in January – mid February. It worked well to combine departments
  • Updates of accomplishments, wins, successes to Randy – to use at the Holiday Party in January
  • Time to donate to the Department manager fund – $20.00 to Kris Bombard