February 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

February 22, 2012

Attendance: Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, David Amundson, Mark Vizenor, Katie Kerr, Pat Runquist, Fran Kacon, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Sue Belford, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Diane Bankers, Karen Renaud, Dawn Plested, Jo DeFeyter

Absent: Bob Woods

Administrative Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy updated the managers on the Administrative changes. Communication and teamwork are areas that the managers will be focusing on.

FirstLight Health System Board Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Bob Woods presented a powerpoint on physician recruitment
  • A quality update was given by Ellen and a patient story and video on readmissions was also presented.
  • Full accreditation has been received by Joint Commission.

Financial Update – David Amundson

  • David presented the financials for January.
  • January was a solid month – departments did a good job of controlling expenses

Patient Satisfaction/Customer Service – Dawn Plested

  • Dawn reviewed the highlights of the discussion from the previous manager meeting.
  • Continued discussion on patient satisfaction/customer service ideas, tools and plans for the organization – what kinds of measurable goals are we looking for and what areas do we want to measure?
  • We have been awarded a Flex Spending Grant that will be used for the development of focus groups.

Human Resource Update– Kim Carlson

  • Discussion on summer intern program – we will provide job opportunities for 5 individuals. Kim asked that managers get her information on particular projects that could be completed by the interns, areas that could use an intern and any suggestions as to how to complete the selection process. Program runs from Memorial Day – Labor Day.
  • MCE program discussion – lots of interest among high school students with limited availability. A committee will be selected to discuss the challenges, barriers, numbers, etc. Denise, MCE Coordinator will also be part of the committee.
  • Off site Manager Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 15th beginning at 11:00 a.m. at Grand Casino. Details to follow.

Facilities Update – Mark Vizenor

  • Mark discussed the use of the Maintenance Repair Form. He would like to stop using the paper copy and have all correspondence go through the intranet or email. This would eliminate lost copies and provide an audit trail. Please encourage all staff to start using the intranet to complete any repairs that are needed.


  • An offer has been presented to Business Office supervisor candidate.
  • Dr. Spight will be starting March 14 – he is a back and neck pain physician.
  • Physical Therapy will have a DPT on site for 8 weeks, and an OT and a PTA student will start in April with an additional one in the fall.
  • Working on sports medicine development. Pine City School District is interested in hiring an athletic trainer – Jake is working with Pine City and other area schools.
  • Cardiac Heart Health Event – Dr. Orlandi is speaker for Thursday, February 23rd.
  • Ellen presented a Grant update.
  • Music is now being piped in hallways and various areas – as well as there is music when placed on hold.
  • Facility Operations will be short staffed for the next couple of months – be patient with requests.
  • Sue Belford is asking for feedback from departments regarding HIPAA education for annual training – she is also putting a training together on OLE for mandatory employee annual education.