January 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2012

Attendance: Chris Kimbler, Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, David Amundson, Mark Vizenor, Katie Kerr, Pat Runquist, Fran Kacon, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Sue Belford, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Diane Bankers, Karen Renaud, Dawn Plested

Absent: Jo DeFeyter

Hospital Board Update – Chris Kimbler

  • New Board members were introduced, Teri Heggerness and Dr. Robert Musgrove. Dr. Jack Schwinghamer is also a new Board member.
  • Round table discussion on Trustee Conference held on January 6 – 9th.
  • Executive and Finance committees were established.
  • Patient Safety video on Adverse Health Events was presented to the Board.
  • Joint Commission update and findings were discussed
  • Strategic Plan is now completed for 2012 – 2014

Financial Update – David Amundson

  • David presented the financials for December.
  • Great job of controlling expenses
  • We finished strong in 2011

Joint Commission Update – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen reviewed the findings of the Joint Commission Survey that was completed December 19th – 21st. All deficiencies have been completed or are waiting for committee approval.

Employee Partnership Report – Kim Carlson

  • Kim presented a power point presentation on facility wide employee partnership results for 2011. The results showed improvement from the last survey.
  • 55% of the employees participated compared to 61% in 2009.
  • Reviewed strengths and opportunities
  • Department managers will meet with HR to develop goals. Meetings will then be held within each department to discuss results and develop action plans.

Patient Satisfaction/Customer Service – D. Plested/E. Ryan

  • Ellen presented information on patient satisfaction scores – inpatient only. She reviewed the types of survey questions used, topics that are reported by the survey and also noted trends.
  • Round table open discussion on how to increase patient satisfaction and improve customer service. Discussion on what tools are important in improving our overall patient and customer satisfaction.
  • Dawn will be working with four different focus groups starting in February.
  • More information throughout the year.

Facilities Update – Mark Vizenor

  • Mark distributed new smoke compartment maps for the fire plan. The old ones may be discarded. Let him know if you need additional maps.
  • Annual key code/pin locks for each department were distributed. Note any changes and return to Facilities.
  • The annual safety departmental review will be forthcoming.
  • Mark is doing some research regarding “space heaters”. Managers are to let Mark know what employees/departments are using them. A policy and procedure is also being developed.


  • Men’s Health Event, Thursday, January 26, 2012
  • Stress testing has moved to the Clinic – begins February 2nd
  • Pharmacy has new intern – Corey Simmons. They are also working on 340B
  • ICD-10 steering committee is being put together – go live date is 10/1/13.
  • Security Risk analysis results were very favorable. Follow up meeting is being scheduled.
  • Becky Bryant returns February 6th – IT department is beginning to focus on meaningful use.
  • Reminder to schedule one on one meeting with Randy
  • Imaging and Lab have new students
  • Committee Representation for 2012 is being reviewed and updated.
  • Three RN mobility students will be here from Pine Tech through March
  • W2’s will be available this week. If not picked up, they will be mailed out on Friday, 1/27.
  • Karen updated the managers on the COLA, mammography and Hinckley and Pine City X-ray surveys.