Emily LeTourneau

Meet Emily LeTourneau
Position: EMT
Start Date: 8/12/19
Birthday: 2/11
Background/Educations: I grew up along the east coast, where my family did not stay in one place for very long, as they had a propensity for travel. I met my husband here in the land of 10,000 lakes, and fell in love with Minnesota culture, and have made a beautiful life here together with our 2 girls. I attended Anoka Technical College in 2017, and received my certification as an EMT. I then participated in an additional advanced semester to further my knowledge of the Emergency Medical Field.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? To be a part of a system has truly excelled at providing an inviting and knowledgeable atmostphere for my family, and I'm sure many other families!
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Patriot 2. The Dark Knight 3. Dances with Wolves
What is your favorite color? Blue
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy working on the family farm (cow, pigs, chickens, garden, etc.), and making crafts with my kids, providing I have any spare time!