Jamie Guptill

Meet Jamie Guptill
Position: Pine City Pharmacy Summer Intern
Start Date: 6/3/19
Birthday: 11/15
Background/Educations: I will be graduating from Rush City High School on June 2, 2019. I will then continue my education and volleyball career at Concordia University St. Paul.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I'm super excited to learn about the different professions in medical care. My interest is physical therapy and sports medicine so shadowing those areas would help me see if it is what I want to go into.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Avenger movies 2. The Hobbit series 3. Mamma Mia
What is your favorite color? Blue
Do you have a nickname? Jamison and Jamers
What are your hobbies?: Playing sports, hunting, fishing, being with friends, and coaching the elementary track and volleyball teams.