June 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

June 22, 2011

Attendance: Fran Kacon, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Randy Ulseth, Dawn Plested, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, Myrna Sampson, Karen Renaud, Katie Kerr, Deb Wright, Erik Olson, Sue Belford,

Absent: Pat Runquist, Diane Bankers, Bill Kellogg, Brent Thompson, Bob Woods, Gordy Forbort

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy gave a Minnesota State Government update. He also presented information on what areas would be affected by the state shutdown.
  • “FirstCare” charity care policy was reviewed and approved. Board members will review the policy within one year with demographic information on the population served by the program.
  • An appraisal is being done on property west of the new Pine City Clinic; the owner of the property would like to sell it to the hospital.
  • Discussion on succession planning. Three current hospital board members will have terms that expire at the end of 2011. A nominating committee will be formed at the county with input from the hospital board.
  • Financials were reviewed. Business office has done a good job with Accounts Receivable.

Education and Training – Randy Ulseth

  • Department managers held a discussion on the various ways training and continuing education are decided upon in each department. At next month’s meeting, managers will be challenged to come up with options for the remainder of 2011 and in August the discussion will be on the future training and education needs of the organization.


  • Erik Olson gave an update on clinic happenings.
  • Kim has started the process for advertising the CFO position and is also using other advertising methods for potential paramedics and nurse practitioners.
  • The department managers discussed the use of the ICU waiting area and the hospice waiting room for employees to take breaks. It was decided that these patient care areas should be reserved for our patient’s families and the public and should not be used for an employee break area. Future master planning discussion will include the expansion of employee break areas.
  • Mock survey was conducted at the clinic this week.
  • Quality data analyst opening has a potential candidate.
  • Grant writer candidates are being reviewed by community leaders.
  • Kris Lindblom has resigned from ED Convenience Care. Look for changes in hours and services in the next couple of months.
  • EDM to go live October 25th.
  • Kathy Danielson is retiring on July 1st – she has been an employee for 35 years.
  • Karen Kritzeck has resigned – she will be done on July 4th.
  • Deb Wright gave an update on Dana Ostrom/Yurich.
  • PT will be implementing a Concussion program and will be working with physicians and the school.
  • PT looking into pool therapy – more information to follow.
  • Center Stage Health, June 30th
  • Pine City Clinic community wide picnic is Wednesday, August 17th.
  • Environmental Services will be stripping and waxing floors.
  • Sara in IT will go on maternity leave in July sometime. She will not have a replacement. Rick from SISU will help out as needed..
  • If there are items, signs, etc that still have the Kanabec Hospital name on them, please let Dawn know.
  • Just Culture chapters 9 and 10 will be discussed at the July manager meeting.