Alexandra Nelson

Meet Alexandra Nelson
Position: OT Student
Start Date: 10/29/18
Birthday: 4/17
Background/Educations: Anoka Technical College - Generals. St. Catherine University - 1st year of OTA. Herzing University - OTA program - present.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am really excited to experience OT in a clinical setting with inpatient/outpatient. It will be really exciting to experience more hands on work with physical disabilities as learned throughout my program.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Harry Potter 2. Anything Scary 3. The Grinch
What is your favorite color? Black
Do you have a nickname? Allie
What are your hobbies?: I love to ride horses - I currently own 2. I have gotten out of riding competitively but I love to do it for leisure. I love to read. I love spending time outdoors (camping and hiking).