November 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

November 24, 2010

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Jo DeFeyter, Chris Kimbler, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Randy Ulseth.

Absent: Bill Kellogg, Fran Kacon, Pat Runquist, Ellen Ryan, Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud, Gordy Forbort

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Dawn Plested presented information on the name change process including updates on the brand camp and tag line meetings.
  • Pine City building project update was given. A webcam has been installed at the construction site.
  • Clinic transition is going well and is on schedule. Randy distributed and reviewed the status report used during steering committee meetings.
  • Randy reviewed the goals and accomplishments for 2010. Goal setting meetings are being set up with board members and Randy for 2011.
  • Discussion on physician recruitment package.
  • Financials for October were reviewed.

Human Resources Update/Kim Carlson

  • Kim presented a power point on FMLA. She reviewed the different areas of entitlements, benefits and protections, eligibility requirements, employee responsibilities, and use of leave. Managers were reminded to let HR know when employees are out for three days or more. Kim will follow up with managers.

COO Update/Chris Kimbler:

  • Chris updated the managers on the education that will be completed during upcoming department manager meetings in 2011. Topic – Just Culture. Managers will receive materials and a schedule for chapter reading.


  • Randy and Kim are working with a consultant to present information on team building. More information to come.
  • Phone implementation will be done at the clinic on December 1st. On Thursday, December 2nd the Mora, Hinckley and Mora eye clinic will be available by dialing just a 4 digit extension number. Pine City will changeover when the new clinic is completed.
  • Managers are asked when emailing clinic staff to start using the Kanabec hospital email format. They are all on our email system.
  • For two weeks starting December 17th, OT services will not be available.
  • Another community weight loss program will be starting 1/18 on Tuesdays.
  • Manager Holiday get together is scheduled for Friday, December 17th. You are asked to bring appetizers or desserts.
  • Dawn is working on the name delineation of the clinics and hospital.
  • Tag line meeting is set up for next week.
  • Sue Belford gave an update on some new positions that will be posted.