September 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

September 22, 2010

Attendance: Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Bill Kellogg, Fran Kacon, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Karen Renaud, Dawn Plested, Brent Thompson, Katie Kerr, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, Myrna Sampson, Jo DeFeyter

Absent: Gordy Forbort, Bob Woods, Randy Ulseth, Pat Runquist, Diane Bankers

Hospital Board/Financial Update/Chris Kimbler

  • New physician, Dr. Victor Liew was introduced.
  • MDH Imaging Compliance Survey update was given.
  • Building update was presented. Pine City bids have been awarded and construction is starting.
  • Clinic contracts have been signed. Decision to move purchase date to March 1st.
  • Branding update was presented. Steering committee has narrowed down the possibilities for the name change. Announcement will be made in the next few weeks.
  • Dr. Donner has been recommended to replace Dr. Schwinghamer as the medical staff representative on the hospital board pending approval from the County Board.
  • The hospital received the Patient Safety Excellence Award – Safe Account. We are one of 21 hospitals to receive all the awards.
  • Financials for August were reviewed. Similar month to August.

PTO Discussion/Chris Kimbler

  • Discussion on part time employees and PTO when a holiday falls on a scheduled work day. Kim Carlson will check with other facilities and report back. It will be discussed at the next manager meeting.

Manager Off Site Meeting/K. Carlson

  • The manager meeting for October 27th will be off site. It will be an afternoon session with lunch included. The agenda and location will be sent out to managers prior to the meeting.

IT Update/Katie Kerr

  • We are extending the hospital phone system to the clinic and replacing their call center. Phones have been purchased and we are looking at a 12/1/10 cutover date for them to begin using our phone system and the call center. The current network will also be extended to all 4 sites. SISU will begin installing the network within the next couple of weeks. We are replacing all hardware (computers, printers, scanners, etc.) at the sites. Computers have been ordered and we expect them to arrive within the next couple of weeks. Computer placement is scheduled to begin 10/21/10. We are working on a very detailed plan for this roll-out to accommodate the clinic staff/hours and reduce the impact to patient care. Sarah and Becky have to connect each computer to our network and ensure all the applications needed are present prior to the computer being placed in the clinic. Additional SISU Support Techs will be around the building to assist with help desk tickets during this time. Please remind your staff to follow proper procedure for IT assistance – call ext. 7979 or go to to log a help desk ticket. Even if this is an urgent ticket you need to contact the help desk and they will mark the ticket as urgent and be in contact with Sara, Becky or other on-site support tech to resolve the issue.
  • Working on implementing an energy management solution for all computers/monitors – Script Logic. Sara & Becky will be training and testing this on 9/23 all day. Rick Biggs, SISU Support Tech, will be on site to handle help desk tickets this day.
  • The annual IT Strategic Planning session with SISU is scheduled for October 7th. If you received an invite to the meeting please come with any and all IT projects planned for fiscal year 2011. If you did not receive an invite to this meeting please give your IT projects to your Director.
  • 5.6 update is going well. We are running parallel tests each week to ensure that all the bugs are worked out. User access is coming together.


  • Center Stage Health is on Thursday of this week. Community Walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 25th. Women’s Health event will be held at Trailview on October 28th. Men’s event will be in January.
  • One page newsletter for the physicians is being developed and will be included with Dr. Niskanen’s monthly updates.
  • Bill Kellogg reviewed the estimated amount of savings from installing script logic.
  • Sue Belford extended a huge thank you to all the departments while she visited the facility – they were GREAT!!
  • Ellen gave an update on the Quality Risk Module.
  • Nursing students with the preceptorship program will be here from Anoka Ramsey.
  • New OT will be starting next week while Heather is out.
  • Mike Dahlheim presented information on the hospital’s Green Team initiatives at the HHRAM conference in Brainerd – great job!!
  • Kim will be presenting at the upcoming DEED conference with Dr. Musgrove from Pine Technical College. Topic is Health Care Alliance.
  • Reminder that MCE students are here – new guidelines have been established with direct patient care.
  • Navigation System Technology equipment has arrived. Two surgery cases have been scheduled with Dr. Holien.