August 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2010

Attendance: Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Randy Ulseth, Bill Kellogg, Pat Runquist, Fran Kacon, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Karen Renaud, Dawn Plested, Brent Thompson

Absent: Gordy Forbort, Katie Kerr, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Myrna Sampson

Hospital Board/Financial Update/Randy Ulseth

  • Update on Clinic purchase – contracts are printed out and ready to sign after approval from Executive Committee.
  • Quality update was presented by Ellen.
  • Discussion on hospital liability insurance.
  • Board members were taken on a tour of the new Imaging area.
  • Financials were reviewed for July.

Holidays/ Kim Carlson

  • Kim reviewed the holiday discussion that was held last month at the July manager meeting. The 2010 Christmas holiday will be observed on Friday, December 24th. New Year’s Day 2011 holiday will be observed on Friday, December 31st. These observed holidays pertain to staff members who are normally scheduled Monday through Friday. Staffing levels for other departments will be managed by the Department Manager. The 2011 holiday schedule was discussed and a schedule with the holidays will be put together and distributed. Discussion was also held on the importance of the managers following the observed holidays. Any questions see Kim in HR.


  • Karen Renaud gave an update on the equipment that is moving to new areas and the new equipment that will be arriving in September.
  • Fall nursing education has started.
  • Diane Bankers updated the managers on the development of a community wide palliative care program.
  • HIPAA DVD is available for departmental annual education. There will also be a power point available on the online education site.
  • Summer healthcare interns will be finishing up next week.
  • Hinckley clinic is moving furniture and equipment in this week – re-open on Monday, August 30th.
  • Pine City clinic is moving forward – bid opening was held last week.
  • New PT student starting August 30th.
  • New billboards will be going up in the next couple of weeks.
  • Video shoot for physician recruitment is taking place this week.
  • Center Stage Health – this Thursday, August 26th – next month Palliative Care.
  • Women’s Health event will be held in October – Ann Bancroft, the explorer will be the speaker.
  • Branding committee met this week to go over mission statement and review survey results. Another meeting is set for the beginning of September.
  • Dining room tray line will start the week of September 6th. Lunch hours are 11:30 – 1:00 and supper from 5 – 6:30. Gift shop will be open from 9:30 – 4:30 on weekends.