Monika Tawfik

Meet Monika Tawfik
Position: Pharmacy Student
Start Date: 5/21/18
Birthday: 7/9
Background/Educations: University of MN College of Pharmacy - Twin Cities. Undergraduate Degree: Neuroscience BS and Minor in applied Psych in community and educational settings (also at U of MN Twin Cities).
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Getting to know other health professionals and a new health system. The chance to build strong longitudinal relationships with pharmacists and patients since I am here for 15 weeks.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Hitch 2. Argo 3. Serendipity
What is your favorite color? Blue
What are your hobbies?: Baking, reading, going for long runs, and playing games and cards.