May 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

May 26, 2010

Attendance: Kim Carlson, Deb Wright, Kris Bombard, Bill Kellogg, Myrna Sampson, Sue Belford, Chris Kimbler, Dawn Plested, Diane Bankers, Jo DeFeyter, Bob Woods, Randy Ulseth, Gordy Forbort, Ellen Ryan

Absent: Katie Kerr, Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud, Fran Kacon, Pat Runquist

Hospital Board Update/Randy Ulseth

  • Two architect firms (HDR, Inc. and DSGW) presented proposals for the construction of the Pine City Clinic. DSGW was selected to design the facility and Knutson Construction will build the clinic.
  • Hinckley clinic remodel will include new flooring, wall coverings and new ceiling tiles.

Financial Update/Gordy Forbort

  • Gordy reviewed April financials. Volumes and gross revenue are down year to date, expenses are under budget.

Quality Update/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen discussed PPR – Periodic Performance Review. Meetings were held with Ellen over two days with Chapter leaders to review areas and standards of Joint Commission. We are at 90% of meeting our goals for the standards. The clinic nurse manager was invited to the discussions. Clinic policies will be reviewed as part of future transition process.
  • Emergency Operations Plan is being reviewed.
  • An update was given on the Quality Measures Report card for 1st quarter of 2010. This is a report given to the board and will also be available on the intranet.


  • Center Stage Health Event for May is on Stroke Awareness.
  • PT will have a 3rd year student starting in June. Full time PT employee has been hired for Hinckley office.
  • Gordy discussed benchmarking and productivity.
  • Kim Carlson did some rounding with Erik Olson, visiting all three clinic sites. Process has started to review clinic job descriptions to fit our templates.
  • Beginning in June, there will be 4 student interns working throughout the hospital.
  • Ellen updated managers on when a Joint Commission survey may occur – anytime from April 2010 – January 2012.
  • Grand Rounds will be held Thursday, May 27th.
  • New floor in dietary, working on building serving line. Supper hours have changed to 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
  • Construction is occurring in the old OB shower room – PT will be storing equipment.
  • Construction on Imaging area is progressing.
  • Dispatching for Ambulance and transfers will be done through the Sheriff’s office.
  • Sue and Katie are meeting with the last departments for Role Based Security access.
  • A powerpoint on HIPAA is available on the public folder and will also be available through OLE – the online education. If you have questions or would like Sue to present to your department, contact her.
  • Physician recruitment update was given.