Cody Crawford

Meet Cody Crawford
Position: Anesthesia Student
Start Date: 4/9/18
Birthday: 12/2
Background/Educations: High School - Wadena Deer Creek Class of 2007. BSN-RN - University of North Dakota Class of 2012. Worked at Sanford Health Fargo - cardiac ICU. Current School - Masters Degree at Minneapolis School of Anesthesia, Graduation date 12/18.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I'm most excited about the autonomy a rural setting offers as well as the chance to perform regional anesthesia.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Top Gun 2. Happy Gilmore 3. Wedding Crashers
What is your favorite color? Red
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy hunting and fishing. I love being outdoors and am an avid sports fan. Cheering for the Wild, Twins, Wolves, and 49ers. I also enjoy cooking/grilling for my wife and myself.