Emily Ralph

Meet Emily Ralph
Position: Dietary Student
Start Date: 3/12/18
Birthday: 9/19
Background/Educations: Currently completing my dietetic internship through Priority Nutrition Care, which is based in Boston, MA.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Learing all about what the registered dietitian does in the clinical setting, and putting my MNT knowledge and skills to use.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Pitch Perfect 2. Pirates of the Caribbean 3. The Proposal
What is your favorite color? Green
Do you have a nickname? Em
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy spending my time with my family, boyfriend, and friends doing various activities outdoors. I love to spend time at the lake swimming, fishing, and relaxing. I also love to exercise, mostly run, and just be active in general. Summer is definitely my favorite time of year, but throughout the fall and winter I keep busy with hunting, ice fishing, and snow shoeing as well.