Notification #28 Tie-in to existing building Area D (SW Addition)

What is Happening?

  • On Wednesday February 28th, the back hallway to ED (what the EMS staff uses to bring in patients) will be closed for for the day. This closure will allow crews to prepare for the SW addition to be tied into our existing building.  The doors  at MRI hallway will be open to accommodate patients from EMS and staff. (see map below)
Picture is showing the SW entrance
  • On Thursday March 1st, the ramp hallway between surgery and inpatient will also be closed for one day as crews prepare to tie- into the existing building.  The poly temporary wall can be broken through in the event of an emergency. 
  • Alternate routes have been planned and communicated with all affected managers and departments
  • Lisa Raths (Surgery Manager) has moved her office to #2162 (which is located inside same day surgery).  If you need to get a hold of her, her extension is #2162.  She will be there until ~August 2018.
  • Also on Thursday March 1st, the Surgical Equipment storage room will be closed for 1 day.

    Who is Impacted?

    • All staff

    Who to contact if you have questions?

    • Mark Vizenor (x3475)
    • Maintenance staff (x3477)
    • EVS (x3953)
    • Surgery (x3804)
    • Lisa Raths (3415)
    • EMS ( June x3515)
    • ED (x3392)