Julie Jenson

Meet Julie Jenson
Position: Paramedic
Start Date: 11/27/17
Birthday: 1/22
Background/Educations: Worked in healthcare for 25 years. Worked as an assistant in nursing home, rehab assistant, also took part with setting up care plans for clients. Past 12 years in EMS, almost 10 as a paramedic, and past four years a community paramedic. EMS has always been my passion. I'm an American heart educator, and have my DOT instructor. Have assisted with EMS education program. Took an active role in assisting with the state community paramedic work groups.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Getting to know the employees and working at another hospital based ambulance service.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Face Off 2. Wild Hogs
What is your favorite color? Black
What are your hobbies?: Spending time with my family. I like to keep busy.