Knowing what your weight means

Understanding what qualifies a “healthy” weight can be a little tricky if you are just jumping on your scale at home.  The number that you see on the scale does not paint the total picture of your health.  It is only one objective measurement. 

Body Mass Index – or BMI – is a number that can help determine if your weight is healthy.  It’s another tool in the toolbox.

BMI is a measure of how much you weigh compared to your height. BMI charts identify a weight range that is healthy.  Now, charts don’t know all the ins and outs of personal health that need to be considered when trying to achieve a healthy weight. But they at least provide a snapshot of where you are currently at compared to others.

So what does your BMI mean?

  • BMI of 19-24 means you are at a healthy weight.  If you are in this range, make it your goal to stay that way!
  • BMI of 25-29 puts you in the overweight category.  Check with your doctor if you need to lose weight.  For some, this category may be acceptable.  Avoid gaining additional weight.
  • BMI of 30 or higher puts you in the obese category. This means you probably need to lose weight.  Talk to your doctor about the best plan for you.

Obesity doesn’t need to be a taboo or scary word.  With more than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults having obesity, healthy weight efforts is a task we should openly embrace.

Does BMI work for children?

The BMI measurement can be used to see if your child is at a healthy weight.  Children’s BMI scales are similar to adults but are also based on their gender and age.  Be sure you use a scale specifically designed for children when calculating BMI for your child.

Check out the links below for BMI calculation information.  It just may be the motivation you need to make those healthy lifestyle changes stick.  And remember, BMI charts are not fool proof; there are clinical limitations that need to be considered when measuring BMI.  That’s why it’s always a good idea to work with your doctor when making changes to your health plan.