Rachel Adams

Meet Rachel Adams
Position: LPN
Start Date: 9/11/17
Birthday: 2/1
Background/Educations: I received my LPN diploma at Pine Technical and Community College in May 2017.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I'm most excited to team up with the exceptional health care team at FirstLight to provide quality care and a favorable environment for patients, something that I've always wanted to be apart of/do in my dream of becoming a nurse!
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Anything in the Harry Potter Series 2. Anything Disney 3. Star Wars (I can't pick just on of those, either!)
What is your favorite color? Turquoise
Do you have a nickname? Ray
What are your hobbies?: Volunteering at Journey North Church in childrens' and music ministries, hiking/being outdoors with my husband, and playing guitar.