Pallet Painting Night

The StarLight Committee has planned a pallet painting night at Kev’s Depot (Mora) on Tuesday, August 29th at 6pm. The cost will is $35/person and we can have a maximum of 40-50 people sign up. Please RSVP by August 22 to hold your spot (You can invite guests who are not FLHS employees).

The choices of pallet designs to paint include:

  1. Monogram Est.
  2. FIrepit
  3. Thankful
  4. Monogram Family

Again, please sign up via email or interoffice mail the sign up sheet and have all money turned into Katie Koppy, in Rehab/Marketing or Melissa Peterson in Materials Mgmt by August 22nd. Checks can be made out to the StarLight Committee.

See you there!