Healthy Weight Weekly Tip #2: Give Your Metabolism a BOOST!

Feeling stuck in a rut with your workout?  Not getting results you want?  At a plateau?  Rev it up and push yourself!

Research shows that high intensity exercise delivers a bigger, longer rise in resting metabolic rate than lower intensity exercise, hence burning more calories over time. 

So if you find yourself doing the same-old-same-old, try mixing it up.  For example, if you normally walk the same speed, try doing short bursts of jogging during your workout.  If you normally jog the same speed, try doing short bursts of sprints or even hills during your workout.

Compound exercises are another way to give metabolism a boost.  Compound exercises involve working two or more muscle groups at a time and create the greatest change in body composition in the shortest amount of time.  These exercises often combine strengthening and cardio techniques. They generally have the ability to build more muscle, and we know that muscle burns more calories than fat!  Examples of compound exercises are burpees, push ups, and my favorite-squat jump ups holding a medicine ball.

Remember, our bodies are machines that are meant to move, not be stationary.  Challenge yourself.  Your body is capable of more than you think.