Bryanne Gream

Meet Bryanne Gream
Position: Certified Medical Assistant
Start Date: 3/27/17
Birthday: 12/11
Background/Educations: I went to Minnesota School of Business and graduated in June of 2016. I plan on going back to school to complete my RN. it has been my dream to always become an RN so I decided to get my CMA so that I could get more experience in the health care field.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? The one thing I am most excited about starting here at FirstLight Health System is the atmosphere. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. Everyone knows each by first name and you can tell everyone is very much appreciated!
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Choice 2. Pitch Perfect 3. Forest Gump
What is your favorite color? Coral
Do you have a nickname? Bree
What are your hobbies?: I love spending time with my kids and husband. My children are 5 and 2 so I am always busy running around with them in my free time. We love going camping and fishing. During the winter we are always going ice fishing and in the summer we go up north camping. Now that our kids are getting bigger its so much fun to watch them explore new things and watch them grow.