Bethany Sjodin

Meet Bethany Sjodin
Position: Clinic LPN
Start Date: 1/23/17
Birthday: 9/17
Background/Educations: Worked as a CNA from the time I was 16-20 years old. Then changed careers and started in corrections/dispatch where I spent just under 5 years working for the local sheriffs office and picking up part time jobs as a LPN and softball coach. I received my degrees from Pine Tech and Fond du Lac.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Giving back to the people in my community and making new relationships with coworkers. Expanding my knowledge and learning new things.
What is your favorite color? Blue
Do you have a nickname? Beth
What are your hobbies?: Spending time with my family outdoors camping and hiking. I love to play and coach softball.