Jake Ulm

Meet Jake Ulm
Position: ED Support Staff
Start Date: 12/19/16
Birthday: 11/11
Background/Educations: Served 5 years in United States Navy. Worked in law enforcement for about 7 years (correction/patrol). B.A. in criminal justice (SCSU). A.A. in Justice Admin (Hawaii Pacific Univ). Currently enrolled in a B.S.N. program with Anoka Ramsey and Metro State.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Helping people and learning as much as I can from peers and co-workers.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Braveheart 2. Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Star Wars
What is your favorite color? Green
Do you have a nickname? Jake
What are your hobbies?: Hunting, fishing the great lakes, and watching all 3 of my girls play hockey.